Friday, October 24, 2014

LAST FEW MOMENTS - We are all in this together (Tips for finishing college strongly)

To be honest I have struggled coming up with ideas to write about for this blog. To me everything has been very factual, and me talking at you instead of relating to you, my audience. I have found myself looking at other websites and articles just to come up with ideas to write about, and once I find something to wirte about I feel like it is an unorginal thought. So this time if you can stick with me, I’m going to try to write about something that I can relate to. Something I have first hand knowledge of, instead of learning about a topic 30 minutes before I write about it. So here it goes…

It's 2:00am. in the morning. You are sitting in your room staring at the empty coffee cups and red bull cans surrounding your desk as your “study time” Spotify playlist hums quietly through your headphones. Not only do you have an 8 a.m. class in the morning, but you also have 9 other odd things that need to be done by the end of the weekend. Naps are planed at 4:30 in the morning for 3 separate periods throughout the day, you skip class to work on the final project for said class, and only the desk lamp and your computer screen glow in the congested and dark cave you have hidden in for the past few weeks. Silently thinking to yourself, “college is hard”.

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If something like this sounds familiar to you, you are not alone. You are probably just a senior in college waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel to appear with regular sleeping hours, a consistent social life, and a bank account with a heartbeat. By now have your resume is all nailed down, and you have attended every possible volunteer opportunity within the last 3 months, and because you recognized you don’t have enough “experience” to be considered for the job you actually want. You start to spin into panic mode.

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I’m here to tell you No. Stop it. You’re fine. You should be worried when you go out every night, get 8 hours of sleep, and are up to date with every Netflix series you have ever watched. College is hard, and you have to put in the time in order to succeed. I often hope that the real world is more controlled than the world we live in now. Hopefully that’s why they only let us stay for a few years and give us the incentive of not paying tuition in order to leave.

Since this is a sport business blog I have decided to come up with a few different tips and tricks to get you through the last few college months and onto the job of your dreams. Theses are some of the things that have helped me come back off the edge of a professional level breakdown.

 1.    Like mentioned previously, GET YOUR RESUME IN ORDER AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE.

I’m talking like right now, today or tomorrow. If you haven’t started to think about it yet, now is the time. Sometimes putting what you have and have not done down on paper is a real eye opener. You may feel like you have done enough but once you see it physically; it might be a little shortcoming. DO NOT PANIC. Most colleges have services that allow you to talk with someone who not only knows how to make resumes, but knows how to make resumes look good. Having a well-put together/attractive resume is becoming more and more important in our technological world. Submitting a resume online is very popular in todays job searching world, and when you are not present to back up your paper verbally it has to speak for itself. Have confidence in yourself and what you have accomplished and portray it in the best possible way for potential employers to see.

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All jobs, especially sport related jobs, are all about results. Knowing what you can provide, and being able to present that to potential employers is key in achieving the goal of receiving the position you stay up every night thinking about (Light at the end of the tunnel). Employers want to know that you can turn your talent into results. With as much emphasis as we had earlier on the importance of a resume, employers often don’t look at GPA, or what club you were VP of in college. They look at you as a potential opportunity to better their team (business) and if you can not help the team, or even tell them how you can help them better their own team, they will pass over you and look for the draft pick that will lead them to success (sports innuendo?). Know what you can do and be able to display your skills to those judging you. This last little bit of college you have left is your time to sharpen the skills you have as well as develop new pitches (more sports innuendo) that can set you at a higher level above your competition.


By this time your studies have taken you to a place where really only you and those with your same major know about. Overall college experiences can be relatable but when you ask your Quantum Physics major roommate, or your Bio Chemistry drinking buddy to explain what he or she learned about that day, after the first three words you hear what sounds like a forgotten language.

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Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help during this time, or you even forget you can ask for help, it simply doesn’t even cross your mind. My advice is to remember you can always ask for help. Whether its support and words of encouragement from your educationally clueless parents, or if its real help from the tutors available to you, asking for help is always an option. Everybody can always use a little refresher course in organization or time management and that can be just as helpful as writing a few pages of the midterm paper due in a few days. Remember as your sitting in your study dungeon there are others out there doing the same wondering if they will ever make it out alive just like you. I think its high time to get over the embarrassment of asking someone for help. Sometimes asking for help can make you seem like you can’t do it on your own. Also its often a block for some because it makes them look like they are unable or dumb. Really being able to ask for help takes enormous courage and shows that you are extremely invested in your own wellbeing, and it shows that you really care about how you do and your drive to succeed. I encourage you to ask for help when you need it especially from those who care about you. I guarantee they are chomping at the bit to help in anyway possible because that what true friends and family are for.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WORLD SERIES HYPE, or lack of...

From a fans point of view less games are good news for your preferred team during this time of year. Showing the ability to take care of business early is always a positive sign for a ball club. However for some this is not all-good news.

With the 2014 MLB World Series upon us fans across the country are logging in, and turning to, the series that comes around once a year. This, the showdown of the nations best.

Both teams have shown that they are able to take care of opponents fairly easy with little to no drama. Teams are not cashing in as in years past because the winners are making quick (possibly to quick) work of their opponents.

The lack of games, and viewership means fewer profits are being made by ball clubs, promoters, networks, and the league in general. As explained in Forbes Article: Shorts Series limit playoff profit…MLB’s Rule 45 calls for 15% of all postseason game receipts to go to the commissioner’s office. In addition, teams must contribute 60% of remaining receipts for the first three games of the Division Series and four games of the League Championship Series to the Players Pool. This pool is distributed to players on postseason rosters with the World Series winners receiving 36% of the total pool to divvy up (50% of receipts from the Wild Card games also go to the pool)”.

There are also set minimums to be distributed if the above formula does not achieve the desired result.  Here are the minimums:

World Series Winner                                   $2,416,450.00
World Series Loser                                      $1,611,000.00
League Championship Losers (each)          $805,500.00
Division Series Losers (each)                      $644,400.00
Non-Wild Card Second Place Clubs           $161,100.00

In a nutshell this means all the money made, even if it is a lower amount compared to other years, must be split up into is sections. Less money made, means there is less money to go around. Of course, the real money is in the increased ticket/box sales each club might experience the following season, increased advertising funds, a larger fan base and other sources of revenue are bound to see a spike as a result of a club’s postseason appearance.

With all of this being said if we were to see ratings go up from here for the World Series, don’t expect them to be what the NFL draws. On Oct 12th, the Cowboys-Seahawks game pulled a staggering 30 million viewers. Last season’s deciding Game 6 of the World Series saw 19.2 million viewers, and was the highest-rated baseball game since Game 7 of the 2011 World Series.

With the Giants taking the lead of the series 1-0 tonight in Kansas City with a score of 7-1 in favor of San Fran, hopefully a potential 7 game series is upon us. My prediction is that the Giants win it in 6 because of the strong showing tonight, and the experience they have being in this situation.

Make sure you tune in tonight to catch game 2 on Fox. Be apart of the experience, and as your watching recognize that you are part of a much bigger working system. Welcome to the World Series!

Until Next Time...

Keep moving forward

Monday, October 13, 2014

More Than A Game

Most of the time when we watch professional sports we see super human athletes doing something most of the rest of the world will never be able to do.  Other times we see controversy and scrutiny of these players because they are held to a higher standard, or are in the public eye more than the average individual. Not to often do we look out into the crowd and see the hero’s sitting in the seats surrounding these athletes. In the case of Devon Still a Cincinnati Bengals defensive tackle, this is the case every Sunday he walks out on to the field.

The reason Still has this view is because even though he is not a well known name in the NFL, today he has the highest selling jersey numbers (10,000 orders) in the NFL. The reason Still has the highest sales in the league is because part of the proceeds from the specific jersey sales are donated to Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center. The Bengals plan to present a check to the medical center for 1 Million dollars gathered from the sales of the jerseys.

The reason for the support is for the recent discovery of Still’s daughter Leah and her development of Pediatric cancer. Still and four-year-old daughter Leah have become the national faces of pediatric cancer as she battles Stage 4 of the disease since she was diagnosed in June with a Neuroblastoma tumor in her abdomen. Not only Bengals fans, but also people in all 50 states, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia responded to the club offering Still’s jersey for $100 in the Bengals Pro Shop as a way to raise funds for cancer research at Cincinnati Children’s.

In a weekend press release the Bengals outlined how they’ll handle the sales. The club absorbs the cost of the first 10,000 jerseys at about $500,000 with the full sale price going to Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center. On sales in excess of 10,000, the hospital continues to benefit from all sales minus the cost of the jerseys.

As described on the Bengals Pro Shop website October 19th will be the last day the public will be able to order said jersey. However they do provide a place where you can donate to cancer care and research listed here:

The NFL participates in several cancer research, and philanthropy’s throughout the season, which can be viewed here:

If you have the time and ability I encourage you to get involved in some sort of community group or donate to one of several charities either within the NFL or within pro sports in general. 

Sometimes competition takes a back seat to things that become more important. Being a good human being makes you a hero to the hero's you see out on the field. Understanding a situation and being compastionate of others situations are some of the greatest things we can learn in our life time.

That’s all for now, in the meantime…

Keep moving forward!

Monday, October 6, 2014


A luxury box is special private seating section located within stadiums and other sporting and entertainment venues. They are typically located in the midsection of a stadium grandstand, usually providing the best view of the event. Some can be opened from within, in order for the spectators to feel closer to and more immersed in the action of the event. Watching from above isn’t as immersive as sitting on the 50-yard line 10 rows up, or behind first base dugout. It does however come with an allure of prestige and class enjoying the game from a birds eye view. Inside of a luxury suite you are treated typically to refreshments, food, televisions, a small seating area. Other common perks are special parking spaces at the venue and access to secret entrances.

Luxury boxes are a significant source of revenue for most professional sports teams and venue owners. The average one game suite rental in the NFL is between 15,000 and 25,000. Club seating is a lucrative revenue-generating feature that has helped make pro sports teams financially successful. Most luxury boxes are leased by contract on a yearly basis, where access is granted to the owner of the box by the leaseholder or owner for every event held at the venue. Prices vary from 5,000 to millions of dollars depending on the venue and events that are held there. The first stadium to contain a luxury box was the Astrodome in Houston, Texas, built in 1965.

Houston Astrodome
The NFL is the most notable when it comes to use of luxury boxes. Under the NFL’s previous revenue sharing agreement, teams had to forfeit a large portion of their ticket revenues so that the funds could be redistributed among all the teams. Most of the new stadiums being built today are not physically obsolete but are financially instead, according to USA Today in the past 20 years, 75% of American sports teams have either built or remodeled their venues, with luxury suite additions being a major reason for the construction and renovation. I learned that the luxury-suite phenomenon was pushed by the NFL’s revenue-sharing model, which until July 2011 allowed owners to keep all funds from luxury suite sales and drove up the average ticket price, so if you have a season ticket holder in your family now you know what the price has been raised over the past few years.

One of the most common reasons to purchase a suite is to entertain and build relationships with clients and prospects or for families to spend time together, and if the right experience is delivered, suite holders can be some of the most loyal supports of a team.

I believe that you should take advantage as a business owner in the area of a local professional sport team and use the “home field advantage” as a way to build a relationship with clients, especially if you or your potential clients are sports fans. Just make sure you are in the right market and can use this luxury to the best of your ability. Being able to bring something new and unique to the table when presenting or impressing will always work for the positive. Luxury box manager / head salesman sounds like a not to shabby job to have from my perspective.

Until next time…

Keep moving forward!