Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Camp Days "Major League Internships"

Ever year there comes a day when the hometown hero has to hang up his cleats for the last time. For me that time came when I decided to focus just on school and enrolled at the University of Northern Iowa. Just as people are starting to recognize you, and you have those that look up to you, it all comes to an end far too rapidly. Weather it be an injury, or you decide its just time to move on, a high majority of athletes do not advance to the collegiate or professional level. Like myself, sports, and the people I was able to interact with during my time participating in them, formed and molded me into who I am today. At first it was hard to accept because you feel like you were apart of something and belonged just as any human being wishes to do. Then you move to a different location away from friends, family, and fans who all supported you and made you feel important. Now you are somewhere new, weather it be in the real world, or a new campus, where you don't have that feeling of belonging or recognition that you have grown all to accustomed too. The belonging, the connections, the glory... all missing

Being in a similar situation myself I struggled with it mentally and phisically at some times not having the safety barrier to fall back on, not having "my thing". I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt this way or has had this type of experience. Many people search for something to be apart of after and often fall into habbits and situations they wouldnt normaly partake in, sometimes leading to trouble.

ATTENTION: I have a solution to all of you college wonderers out there! All the lost, all the troubled, all the longing to be apart of athletics again, by being able to to reconect you to to what you know and love. Not everyone gets a chance to be fortunate enough to keep playing the game or sport they love for as long as they like. So for those of you still dedicated and want to learn how to channel what you have been so familiar with your whole life into something that you can do for the rest of your life I give you Internships!!!

Internships at the professional level are one of the few great ways to interact with either your favorite team or favorite sport on a professional working level. One medium that I have discovered during my time in college, that has connected me to possible entry level positions as well as opportunities to apply for internships is, Teamwork online . This website is an online vertuial job board. Most of all professional teams have posted everything from gameday work opportunities to internship opportunities through their organizations. This is helpful for those just finishing college looking for jobs and for those looking to gain expereince in working with a professional team.
This and other other sites are great ways of getting invloved with sports, while also working on skills that you will use in the professional world. My suggestions for internships is get involved as early as possible and have as much experience as you possibly can especially when you know for sure what you are interested in doing as a career. Being able to work with a professional sports team is always something that impresses during interviews and is more often than not something that you can talk about freely and with passion giving you something to sound confident about during an interview later on down the road.

For more information about internships visit for several great articles on how to prepare for the summer work grind as well as tips and tricks to use in interviews.

In the meantime, KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

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