Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thats a wrap

Hey guys just here to thank you all for taking the time to read and share my blogs for this class. Hopefully it didn't bog down your timeline to much. If you commented or shared or liked the blog it will all go into my review of the final project.

This project was apart of my Digital Advertising class at UNI and I was given 12 weeks to create a blog post every week, tweet 2 times a day on @iSportsBizi, and connect with as many people, and professional groups, as possible on Linkedin. The entire time tracking my "ability to connect" within my "Personal Brand" (persona I took on) within the time period given. BTW connect with me if you haven't already! I also learned how to, and attempted to, run a Google Ad Words campaign for a short period of time in order to earn more connections.

In the beginning we were challenged to realize our personal characteristics, interests, and what we wanted to be in the future to make our Personal Brand Statement. Mine is : "I am a dreaming retired athlete still dedicated to the passion of sports that helped construct who I am today, because even if I might not be participation in competition, getting involved and learning more about the business portion of sports teams still provides me with excitement and drive that I look forward to using."

From there I took it upon myself to research about the "behind the scenes" business aspects of sports themselves, the ones that are not always at the forefront of ESPN every day. Personally I enjoy all of the back stories, and things you haven't heard about in sports that ESPN does present, more than the every day talk about scores, and highlights. Taking the "30 for 30" kind of approach was my plan from the start and hopefully you learned a thing or two about sports that you didn't know yesterday.

Sometimes I found it difficult to write some of the blogs because I had yet to gain the professional insight or be in the position of having first hand knowledge of sports business. Eventually I found myself just regurgitating facts and figures that were already known and reported by others. I challenged myself to put myself into my readers position and attempted to relate to them as much as possible. I also discovered from watching others in class that it is much easier to write about topics you already know a lot about. I already knew a lot about sports being a former athlete, as well as being a current fan I knew most of the current events that were going on so I decided to redirect my angle and what kind of content I was rolling out.

Seeing as though I made a new twitter to retweet and connect with people within my personal brand, not alot of traffic came from that account, most of my audience were college aged people because I was able to tweet and post blogs the from my other personal accounts compiled with friends and family that I have connected with throughout my Twitter and Facebook existence. So relating to them "my real audience" contributed to more interaction, interest, and views of the blog on certain posts like "Last Few Moments" and "Cheering for Change" . 

Attempting to relate to my Business of Sports fans, and my personal fans at the same time became the real challenge. Finding something both subjects would be interested in and intertwining them was the most rewarding part when done correctly.

All in all this project was a fun yet challenging experience and I believe that I would get better at it each and every time if I were to do it over and over again. I now have experience in how to advertise a business, product, or person digitally, and that is something that I will be able to do in each and every job that I have in the future. I already have plans of helping family and friends advertise their professional persona's through the techniques I have learned in this class.

If you, the reader, have made it this far I applaud you and thank you for sticking with my while I learn and perfect this craft. If you have any advice for me, or comments about the project you would like to make be sure to leave a comment here or tweet me at @iSportsBizi of what you think. Most likely your feedback will be included in my summary due tomorrow night.

Thank you again for all who participated and don't forget to... 


happy animated GIF

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